Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Life Long Learning

Are you learning something new everyday? It occurs to me that each day I should try to learn something new about life, myself or my environment. I read a lot, and interact with people throughout the day. I mostly read non-fiction related to mind-body-spirit. These topics cover so much territory I am never bored or without a new book to check out in these areas. I change out the stack of books on my nightstand about once per month. Since I was a child and starting kindergarten I recall my love for reading. I did have the entire Dr. Seuss collection (I think). It was so much fun going into the library and taking a book from the shelf that I selected myself. I was encouraged from an early age to read, study and never miss school. So, as I am now continuing my reading and study the only thing that I miss is school. I contiuously attend classes to futher my knowlege about yoga and mind-body-spirit wellness. In addition to keeping up with some of  the latest technology advancements such as Cloud Computing or Audio/Video two of my other interests. I think the most important thing I have learned is the lessons from talking with others and listening. Each day I wake up and think about using the knowledge that I have to help others.

The information about learning how the body works and using yoga as a method for healing the body has been an area that I have studied for over ten years. I have seen the benefits of a sustained yoga practice and learned to use yoga to repair damage from injuries, restore vitality to the major organs, release stored toxins and reduce unwanted weight.  Each time I step into a yoga class I know that there will be something for me to learn about myself and my students that will allow us both to grow together. Lifelong learning through yoga is never about a destination it is always about the journey.